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Western Wall Imprint Method

Since King David founded Jerusalem over 3,000 years ago and his son, King Solomon, subsequently built the first Holy Temple, pilgrims have come to Jerusalem to worship God and visit the sites of the Holy Land. Jewish tradition describes the Temple as the throne of God, where prayers flew up to the very Gates of Heaven.

To this day, visitors to Israel – people and dignitaries from all over the world—come to reverently touch the stones of the Temple’s exterior Western Wall (Hebrew: Kotel), the remnant from the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 ACE, and insert a written prayer into the cracks between its massive rocks. Whether or not you’ve visited the Western Wall, Liza Shtromberg’s Hebrew collection can bring the Kotel close to your heart with individually-crafted pieces from her jewelry collection including necklaces, bracelets, rings, and engagement and wedding bands.

Liza skillfully sculpts her fine Jewish jewelry with an imprint of the Kotel and then marks your heirloom pieces with classic Hebrew verses.

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