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Tzetech L’Shalom V’Shuvech L’Shalom (Go in Peace and Return in Peace) Ring

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Description and Details

צאתך לשלום ושובך לשלום

Tzetech L'Shalom V'Shuvech L'Shalom

Go in Peace and Return in Peace

This Shalom Jewelry ring is hand-sculpted and crafted with care and made with an imprint from the stones of the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
The texture, beautifully highlighted in sterling silver, and the Hebrew engraving, which translates as, “Go in Peace and Return in Peace,” is a reminder to the wearer of the Jewish spirit.

  • Sterling silver ring
  • Imprinted with texture from the Western Wall in Jerusalem
  • Inscription in Hebrew
  • צאתך לשלום ושובך לשלום – Tzetech L’Shalom V’Shuvech L’Shalom
  • (Go in Peace and Return in Peace)
  • Shalom Jewelry
  • Imprinted with texture from the Western Wall in Jerusalem
  • Ring width 3/16″ (5mm)
  • SKU: HWR1D


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